marco "operativa"
Apre tutti i file, legge gli adc necessari da tutti i file .dat e .log2 (necessario per avere il tempo di acquisizione), calcola il numero di eventi sotto il picco (fit gaussiano)
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt
### write a function to evaluate deadtime
def compute_corr_factor(nrun):
datafile = './dati/run%6.6d.log2' % nrun
time1, time2, time3, time4 = np.loadtxt(datafile, unpack=True)
# time3 contiene i conteggi veri, dividi per i "presunti" e ottieni il fattore di correzione
corr = sum(time3)/20000
return corr
## gaussiana
def gaus(x, A, mu, sigma):
return A*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))
### write a function to read data and compute the event rate
def read_data_and_compute_rate(nrun):
datafile = './dati/run%6.6d.dat' % nrun
time, adc1, adc2, adc3, i5 = np.loadtxt(datafile, unpack=True)
elapsed_time = time[-1]-time[0]
hrange=(1000, 2500) # <-- it's a tuple
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
plt.title('Run %d'%nrun, fontsize=18)
plt.xlabel('ADC', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('number of events', fontsize=16)
h, bins, pathes = plt.hist(adc1, 500, histtype='step', range=hrange, edgecolor='black', linewidth=1.2, label='data')
# find subrange for fitting
subrange=(1670, 1850)
newb =[b for b,bb in zip(bins,h) if subrange[0]<b<subrange[1]]
newh =[bb for b,bb in zip(bins,h) if subrange[0]<b<subrange[1]]
optimizedParams, pCov = opt.curve_fit(gaus, newb,newh, p0=[100, 1700, 100])
plt.plot(newb,gaus(newb,*optimizedParams),'r--',label='fit', linewidth=2)
# eventi sotto il picco
C = optimizedParams[0]
sigma = abs(optimizedParams[2])
bw = bins[1]-bins[0]
peak_events = C*sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi) / bw
corrf = compute_corr_factor(nrun)
rate = peak_events * corrf / elapsed_time
print('Run nr %d: events under the peak %.1f, correct. factor %.1f => rate %.f Hz' % (nrun, peak_events,corrf,rate))
return rate
datadir = './dati/'
# run list
runs = range(20272,20277)
for r in runs:
Usando i dati dei fit precedenti, fai il plot dei conteggi in funzione della distanza e fit con esponenziale
thick = [0,1,2,3,4] # cm
def expo(x, C, tau):
return C*np.exp(-x*tau)
plt.plot(thick,rates,'bo', label='data')
oParams, pCov = opt.curve_fit(expo,thick,rates)
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,4),expo(np.linspace(0,4),*oParams),'r--',label='fit', linewidth=2)
## from mucal