Wav files and LTSPICE

Source: LTspice: Importing and Exporting WAV & PWL Text Files

Voltage sources can be driven by a wav files (mono). Example with a file “simple440_small.wav

CTRL + right click on the source and change the value parameter to wavefile=simple440_small.wav

A wav file can also be saved as output using the “.wave” spice directive

Using wav files for a general signal source

If a more general waveform file is packed into a wav file, this can be used as input for a simulated circuit.

For instance, a waveform from a Silicon PhotoMultiplier can be saved to a wav file like this

and used as input for LTspice like this (a low-pass filter with a ~ 60 MHz f3dB to suppress noise)

Using the “.wave” spice directive the result can be saved and read back agina in Python